Guidelines and Criteria for
GOM Recognize Computer Training Institute Approval
Computer training institute desirous of conducting Certificate in Computer Application and Diploma in computer Application course(s) are obliged to meet the followings:
1. Status and Identity
a. Institution should be registered under Govt. of Mizoram such as Industries/ Registrar Firms & Society/Co-operative/etc
b. Should have run training institutes for at least 12 months.
2. Infrastructure
a. Building
Institution should own building or in the event of the building being hired, it should be on a long term rent. The rent term, in such cases is specific to the level for which official approval is sought and the same is defined in the relevant prospectus. The building should be conformed with the rules and regulations maintained by Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Department from time to time.
b. Space
Institution floor area should minimally accommodate the followings:
(i) One class room to accommodate at least 10 students. Minimum floor area of a classroom for 10 students should not be less than 20’x20’ or 400 sq ft.
(ii) Library having adequate number of books concerning all the subjects in CCA and DCA.
(iii) Faculty room.
(iv) Reception area etc. having adequate drinking water
(v) Toilet.
c. Equipment
(i) The institute should have its own hardware and software place as per the syllabus of respective course.
(ii) The institution should have state-of-art computing infrastructure and the same should be provided to the students for the training of the relevant course.
(iii) The minimum number of computer system required should be equal with the number of students being trained by the institute per batch. Also, each student should be deputed by the Institute on a single terminal or one PC.
(iv) All software used should be licensed as understood within the terms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Software required for the courses have been prescribed within the relevant syllabus.
(v) The institute should also have teaching aids such as whiteboard, LCD projectors, audiovisuals etc.
(vi) The institute should own/ possess the above equipments all the time. Any institution founf to be not having the required equiments during routine check by the authority appointed by Govt of Mizoram from time to time will be subjected to review their recognition status by the authority.
3. Faculty
a. The institution should have at least two permanent teaching faculty who should have been with the institute for not less than two months.
b. The ratio of full time to part time faculty should not be more than 1:2, i.e within the institute , for every one fulltime faculty, the institute is permitted to engage two part time faculties.
c. The faculty should not teach more then 25 students in class.
d. There should be sufficient number of faculties for practical and theory classes i.e., one faculty should not take classes in different classrooms simultaneoulsy.
e. The teaching faculty should have the mandatory qualifications and experience as below.
Course |
Faculty Qualification |
Experience |
Certificate in Computer application |
Govt. recognised DCA or DOEACC ‘O’ level or equivalent |
Minimum 6 months teaching experience. |
Diploma in computer Application |
BCA or B.Sc computer or graduate with Govt. recognized PGDCA or 3 yrs Diploma in Computer Sc & Engineering or equivalent |
Minimum 6 months teaching experience. |
4. Library
a. The institute should maintain a Library. The Library should have a good selection of books from various publications with latest and revised edition. Sufficient number of books must be available for the students.
b. The institute should also subscribe sufficient IT magazine and journals for the students.
5. Rules and Regulations
Institution permitted to conduct the course(s) are obliged to the following rules and regulations:
a. The institution should not knowingly, advertise that which is liable to project a false impression of competence, of the Institution.
b. The institution should not overstate the contents of the course for which approval has been granted, to Gain unfair advantage.
c. The institution should not guarantee benefits to student that is actually false or not feasible.
d. The institution should not project price terms that are false, or misleading, to gain advantage over competition.
e. The institution should not disparage competition, even obliquely.
f. The institution should not project insufficiently supported claims of excellence in connection with employment.
g. The institution should not criticize action of Government / professional bodies or experts, without proper investigation.
h. The institution should not involve in any other matter / action repugnant to the spirit of ethical practices, including, behavior to / by our students; unauthorized use of copyrighted software etc.
i. The institution found to be indulging in any kind stated above may be considered unfit for conducting Govt Recognised Courses and the recognition will be revoked by the authority appointed by Government of Mizoram.
- Institutional year
The institution shall follow calendar year for both Certificate in Computer Application and Diploma in Computer Application. Both CCA and DCA courses will be conducted half yearly.
- Students’ enrollment:
Students will be enrolled to the institution during January and July. There is no lower limit qualification for enrolment to the course of CCA, but for enrolment to the course of DCA, student must have completed and certified with CCA. Intake capacity of the institution per batch will be decided by the Inspecting Authority appointed by Government of Mizoram.
- Classroom Study:
The Institute should strictly maintain classroom study for the courses conducted. Classes will be held 2 hours a day out of which 1 hour will be theory and 1 hour will be practical. Classes will be held 5 days a week for a period of 6 months. It is the choice of the institute to conduct any number of batches in a day but classes should not conflict.
- Examination:
a. Examination Board:
Examination will be conducted by the respective Government Recognised Institution and be certified by them using the common certificate approved by Government of Mizoram.
b. Schedule for exam:
The examination for both CCA and DCA courses will be conducted twice in a year and it will be held during June and December. Timetable for examination will be announced by Department of ICT, Govt of Mizoram during May and November.
c. Mark Distribution:
Theory will carry 60% weightage and practical will carry 40% weightage. There will be 6 subjects and each subject will carry 100 marks, out of which 60 marks will be theory and 40 marks will be practical.
10. Detailed syllabus for both course Certificate in Computer Application and Diploma in Computer Application can be downloaded here